The Handmaid's Tale Season 2 Finale: 7 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Word'


1. June's Decision

Https://cdn Cnn Com/cnnnext/dam/assets/180710215606 The Handmaids Tale Finale

While the symbolism in June's decision is glorious, the decision itself is problematic. The handmaid has had three opportunities to escape this season. The first time, she was taken back to Gilead against her will, and it was the right move for the narrative. The second time, she was unable to escape because the garage door wouldn't open. As noted here, this was a completely believable obstacle that one would face in such a predicament. But for June to have an escape route literally staring her in the face and turn it down is a little ridiculous.

Her decision to return to Gilead comes off as contrived, and serves little purpose other than to ensure that the show will continue for a third season. While it's understandable that she wants to rescue Hannah, it would've made more sense for her to flee to Canada, meet up with her husband Luke and, with his help, figure out how to get her daughter back.

June has no means of tracking the young girl down in Gilead, and she will likely face punishment after all that she's done. At least, in Canada, she wouldn't face rape, and she could regain a normal life to some degree while looking for Hannah.

The decision by no means soured the incredible finale - or the incredible season - but was as contrived as they come.

What did you make of The Word? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.