The Hardest Jessica Jones Quiz On The Internet

Think you know the Netflix show, Jessica Jones, inside out? Think again.

Jessica Jones Kilgrave Krysten Ritter David Tennant

In 2019, viewers were disappointed to say goodbye to the series, Jessica Jones. In only three seasons, the Netflix show left a massive impact on Marvel fans. It gave us Krysten Ritter's career-making role as the titular character, introduced fan-favourite, Luke Cage, and chilled us to the bone with David Tenant's performance as Kilgrave. The superhero crime drama may be over and done with but fans are still hoping Ritter will return as the private investigator on Disney+ in some capacity.

If you're a big fan of Jessica Jones, you may feel like you know the character inside out. Even if you binge-watched the show over and over, there still may be a few details you have missed. Do you remember the name of the main villain of the last season? Can you recollect which disease Kilgrave suffered from? And what superhero alias did Trish Walker want Jessica to take on?

You may get some of these questions right. You might even know most of them. But only the most devoted fans will be able to answer all of them correctly.

1. What Is Kilgrave's Real Name?


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