The HARDEST Joey Tribbiani Friends Quiz Ever!

Take the internet's most difficult JOEY TRIBBIANI quiz and tell us HOW YOU DOIN'!


Sixteen years ago, our favourite apartment shut its doors. Fans were left weeping as they saw each character entering a new phase of life, a bittersweet closure to their stories we had all been following so obsessively for ten years. But one of our beloved friends was left without a proper goodbye, Joey Tribbiani. His story never got the happy ending he deserved and it broke millions of hearts.

Joey may not have been the favourite friend, but for 236 episodes he swayed fans with his charm and heart, producing some of the most heartfelt moments on the show.

Joey routinely served as a ridiculous palate cleanser between the series’ more serious-minded Ross/Rachel drama, and despite the senseless nature of his character, Leblanc’s performance was an undeniable banger. Over the show’s ten seasons, Joey definitely got himself into some outlandish scenarios and did some truly mind-boggling things, but did you just laugh them off and move on, or do you still remember them to this day? Let's find out!

Answers are at the end

1. Joey Once Took A Shower In Which Actor's Dressing Room?


Software Engineer by day and a self-proclaimed writer by night, this highly functional sociopath is an avid follower of pop culture and everything nerdy. Every hour he can be seen ranting about social media and working up a migraine over everything on Twitter (What a hypocrite!).