The Inbetweeners Quiz - Who Said It?

On a scale from Neil to Susie, how much of a brainiac are you when it comes to The Inbetweeners?

Ooh Friend The Inbetweeners Jay Funny Sarcastic Gif Gif

E4's The Inbetweeners showed those not from the British Isles what the highs and (almost always) the lows of adolescent life in suburbia was like. Whilst the truth is that most teenage Brits live much more enjoyable lives than the less-than-fab four, millions could see themselves or their friends in the antics of The Inbetweeners.

Whether it was the constant barrage of BS and crippling insecurities of Jay, the dimwitted jolliness of Neil, the living embodiment of foot-in-mouth syndrome that is Simon or the outstanding wit and naivety of Will, the show grew to fervent levels of popularity, spawning a perfect three series, an outstanding feature film and a competent sequel.

In gaining such a dedicated fan base, many lament the seemingly definitive end of The Inbetweeners and constantly replay one of the finest sitcoms this century, until each scene is burnt into memory more than Will's camping equipment. But how much do you remember? Will you remember who said each quote or will you crack harder than Jay after a thousand "ooo friends"?

Good luck fellow briefcase w**kers! Answers are at the very end...

1. "What If It's A Shark?!"


Writer. Quizmaster. Nerd.