The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power - 11 Things We Expect To See

With a flat Earth, Men invading gods, and murderous Elves, it's Tolkien like you've never seen.

Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema

The Lord Of The Rings film series is one of the greatest trilogies ever put to film, with the first entry getting its 20 year anniversary at the end of 2021. That's not even mentioning the influence of the books on modern fantasy as we know it.

As such, expectations are high for the upcoming Amazon series, titled 'The Rings of Power'. Though plot details are still scarce, the studio has confirmed that major events will be covered, such as "the forging of the rings, the rise of the Dark Lord Sauron, the epic tale of Númenor, and the Last Alliance of Elves and Men."

This will be difficult to accomplish though, whether with flashbacks, or with jumping the thousands of years that span these events, especially in the confirmed 8 episodes of the first season. The Forging of the Rings, for example, took place around S.A. 1590, and the Last Alliance in SA 3430.

Still, these are compelling stories and events that the series is covering. Even with possible timeline jumps, which we've already seen in other huge fantasy series like The Witcher, it's sure to be dark, exciting, and almost certainly unlike anything we've ever seen from Tolkien's stories onscreen.

Spoilers for major events in the Silmarillion and other Tolkien works.

11. War Against Sauron

Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema / Warner Bros. Pictures

The wars fought against Sauron may feature in the series, especially with the Last Alliance between Elves and Men confirmed down the line. Not only is the series focusing on the forging of the rings of power and everything that came after, but some confirmed cast and characters also point to major events they took part in.

Characters such as Numenorian King Elendil and Elven High King Gil-galad, major players in the war, were reported to be part of the cast. This means that the Sack Of Eregion is also likely being portrayed onscreen, the first time Sauron throws away any subtlety and hidden agendas and gathers his forces from Mordor to invade a major Elven territory under the Noldor Elves.

Commonly known as The War of the Elves and Sauron, it includes Elrond trying and failing to come defend Eregion, and the capture and death of famous Elven smith Celebrimbor, who alongside the Gwaith-i-Mírdain (great Elven smiths among the Noldor) created all the rings of power except the One Ring.

It's an exciting and dark time for Middle Earth and would certainly make for good television if they can swing it.


Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada ||