The Mandalorian Season 2: 10 Biggest UNANSWERED Questions We Still Have

6. What Did The Empire Need Grogu's Blood For?

The Mandalorian Season 2 Pershing

Everyone who watched the first season of The Mandalorian had been speculating this for a while - just what did the Empire need Grogu for?

We now know for certain that Doctor Pershing was working on cloning technology and was using the child's exceptional "M-count" for the cloning process. While not stated outright, it can be safe to assume that the M-count is a shortened form of saying midi-chlorians.

It could also be assumed that these botched clones seen in the labs during Chapter 12 are linked to what would eventually become Snoke. However, it is still not known for certain if these are intended to be Palpatine or not - the main caveat to the Palpatine clone theory being that not many Imperial Officers were actually aware that the Emperor was indeed a Sith or even Force sensitive.

The other interesting piece of the Palpatine puzzle is the "volunteer" mentioned in the same episode by a recording of Pershing. As Pershing puts it, "I fear the volunteer may meet the same regrettable fate if we proceed with the transfusion."

Who could this mysterious donor be? Could it be Palpatine's own son who ends up fathering Rey?


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