The Office Quiz: How Well Do You Remember The Dundies?

Do you know who won the Hottest in the Office award or what was really written on Phyllis' trophy?

The Dundies

For Michael Scott, the highlight of the year is the annual Dundies ceremony.

Each year Michael creates awards for every single member of the office. There's the Best Mom award, the Hottest in the Office and even Kevin's "Don't Go in There After Me" award. Michael prides himself that he is able to make sure that every employee of Dunder Mifflin Scranton is given praise.

The Dundies also are Michael's chance to shine. At the ceremony he gets to be the host. Putting on costumes, hats and making plenty of often inappropriate jokes. Michael really is centre stage with a captive audience.

Despite being an annual award we only get to see two Dundies award ceremonies, the 8th Dundies and the 14th. Here we see plenty of drama, especially at Michael's last Dundies where the whole office have a surprise for him when they finish their night back at Dunder Mifflin.

How much can you remember about the 8th and 14th Dundies? Do you know who won the Hottest in the Office award? Can you recall what was written on Phyllis' Dundie by mistake?

Only the biggest fans of The Office will have enough Dundies knowledge to get every question correct? How many will you get correct? Let's find out!

1. What Award Does Pam Win In The 8th Dundies?


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.