The Office: The Impossible Kevin Malone Quiz

How much can you remember about Dunder Mifflin’s least qualified accountant?

Kevin Malone

Is Kevin Malone secretly the best character in The Office? Maybe.

The more you rewatch The Office: An American Workplace the more times you see how subtly hilarious he really is. Kevin is usually chilled but every now and then he can be shockingly blunt in his observations and comments but nobody holds it against Kevin for too long because he’s Kevin…. So damn likeable!

Kevin is one of the very few characters in the show who appears in every single episode and he’s seen more managers than he could probably name himself. He was originally hired by Michael Scott because he “had a good feeling about him” and survived the leadership eras of DeAngelo Vickers and Andy Bernard, all the way to Dwight Schrute who eventually fires Kevin for his years of cooking the books with his Keleven approach to maths.

He even for a brief moment in time had Robert California thinking he was the smartest one in the room but that didn't end up lasting until the end of that episode!

With all that said, how much can you remember about Dunder Mifflin’s least qualified accountant? Can you remember all things Malone?

Answers at the end.

1. What Is Kevin’s Star Sign?


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.