The Office: The Progressively Harder Angela Martin Quiz
Do you know everything there is to know about The Office's Angela Martin?

There's one employee in The Office who has problems with practically every one of her co-workers.
Angela Martin is the Head of Accounting and likes things done a certain way. Be it Kevin's mistakes or Kelly's perky attitude, Angela has no time for those she finds irritating. She even has problems with Pam, calling child services when she sees the pregnant office manager drink a small amount of caffeine.
Yet, there is one person at Dunder Mifflin Scranton that Angela truly cares for. Dwight Schrute, the sci-fi loving farmer turns out to be Angela's dream guy. Despite the couple's ups and downs, Angela and Dwight do finally get their happily ever after.
Do you know everything there is to know about The Office's Angela Martin? This quiz is set to test even the biggest lovers of everything Dunder Mifflin.
Can you remember the name of the cat that Dwight euthanasises without Angela's permission? Do you recall which character Angela gets in Michael's murder mystery game? Only those who've seen every episode of The Office will stand a chance in this ultimate Angela Martin quiz. Let's see how many question you can get correct!
Don't forget, all the answers can be found at the end of the quiz. Good luck!