The Office UK Vs US: Which Characters Are Best?

8. Lee vs Roy Anderson

gareth office uk

A dead heat here, as the characters are pitched somewhat differently, but are equally effective in their own ways.

The UK’s Lee remains somewhat of a mysterious character throughout, as it’s nigh on impossible to figure out why Dawn got with him in the first place, let alone remained with him. He seems to treat her pretty badly, and is dreadful, surly company. That the relationship has grown stagnant is clear, but it makes little sense to begin with.

Roy, meanwhile, is on the surface far more of an affable character. He tries, at least some of the time, to be a decent boyfriend to Pam, and the two seem to have a lot more fun together.

The cracks in their relationship are highlighted gradually as we learn how lacklustre he has been throughout their time together. It is also made more clear here that Jim has been a factor in the couple’s demise.

The time restraints of the UK series mean that there’s less room for light and shade in the love rival character, but Lee serves his purpose no less successfully than Roy.

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The Office
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)