The Office US Or The Office UK Quiz: Who Said It - Dwight Or Gareth?

The battle of office idiots.

The Office

An ordinary everyday routine brought onto the main screen with not so ordinary characters, their quirks, procrastination and a whole lot of witty sarcasm, and we've got 'The Office'.

The diversity of characters in both versions is breathtaking and adding perfection to it are the standout goofball characters of Dwight & his counterpart Gareth. Both are devoted to their boss who finds them annoying and are constantly tortured by Tim/Jim but still, they are smart, confident & mean in their own way and assume their self-importance and sense of authority based on their varied backgrounds.

But the one thing we love most about them is the fact that they're hilarious in their own weird sense which gives both versions of the show an essence of unique humour throughout their run.

Although Gareth might seem a bit more real due to his army background and sensibility, he's still as weird and stupid as Dwight and most times it’s hard to distinguish them. Based on their similarity and your knowledge, here are a set of famous lines spoken by them. Can you tell them apart from their quotes alone?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Answers at the end!

1. "Today Smoking Is Going To Save Lives."

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Software Engineer by day and a self-proclaimed writer by night, this highly functional sociopath is an avid follower of pop culture and everything nerdy. Every hour he can be seen ranting about social media and working up a migraine over everything on Twitter (What a hypocrite!).