The Originals: The HARDEST Hayley Marshall Quiz On The Internet
How well do you know the Crescent Wolf Clan Queen?

The Vampire Diaries itself proved to be a hugely popular series for The CW, running for eight seasons before finally having a stake driven through its heart for the final time in 2017. And so successful was that show, it’s since spawned two spin-off shows – the first of which was The Originals.
So often over the years, it’s been a common theme that spin-off efforts can often stutter, stumble and ultimately fall to an early death after just a solitary season. In fact, there are even times when said spin-offs end up being pulled before they can even start their first season – as seen recently by Arrow’s planned future-set spin-off, Green Arrow and the Canaries.
For The Originals, the series proved to be a great show in its own right in addition to very much being a Vampire Diaries spin-off. By the time all was said and done, The Originals amassed 92 episodes across five impressive seasons.
One character who found herself so often anchoring The Originals across a large chunk of its run, was Phoebe Tonkin’s Hayley Marshall. How well do you know this werewolf-turned-hybrid, though?
Here, there’s a Hayley-driven The Originals quiz that even the show’s biggest fans will struggle to take a significant bite out of!