The Originals: The Impossible Camille O'Connell True Or False Quiz

Are you a true fan of Camille O'Connell from The Originals?

The Originals Camille
The CW

Camille O'Connell first appeared as a minor character in The CW universe through one of its supernatural shows, The Vampire Diaries. Soon after, she got cast as one of the main characters in the aforementioned series' spin-off show, The Originals.

After the suspicious and tragic death of her brother, she leaves Louisiana for New Orleans. While getting her degree in psychology there, she also works a low paying job to make ends meet. During all of this, she comes across Klaus of the Mikaelson family. She developed romantic feelings for him, however like any love story, Cami and Klaus are dealt with dozens of hurdles.

While things eventually get better between the vampire couple, Cami dies and Klaus is left with a heart that's broken into million pieces.

The Originals had a total of four seasons and Cami played a major role in all of them. So, if you have watched even a few episodes of the show, Cami's probably one of your favourite characters. If so, it's time to prove it.

This quiz has a total of 15 statements about Cami's character. All you have to do is find out if they are true or false.

Answers at the end!

1. Camille Has A Black Belt In Karate.


Kevin Cooper hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.