The Politician Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs


3. The Contrasting Episode Lengths

the politician tv show

This might seem like a minor gripe, but it's something that is becoming quite a regular thing on Netflix shows, and no matter how many times it happens, it doesn't feel justified. This gripe is, of course, the drastically different episode run times.

In keeping with streaming service tradition, the pilot episode is just over an hour long. Following that, each episode gets progressively shorter, with some running the standard network TV length of 42 minutes while others once again rise to 56 minutes. And then, smack down in the middle, you have the polarizing midseason standalone 'The Voter' that runs for just 28 minutes.

Again, this may not seem like a major issue but it was a jarring one that made parts of the season feel incredibly disjointed. You knew that the longer episodes were the important ones and the shorter ones, well, weren't.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.