The Simpsons: 10 Best Couch Gags

1. Homer's Evolution

First Appearance: "Homerazzi" (16x18)

One of the most classic and well thought out couch gag, this gag displaying the evolution of Homer Simpson from a single celled organism to the Homer we all know and love is one of the greatest. Coming in as the second longest couch gag, just behind the Rick and Morty crossover mentioned earlier in the list, the gag showcases the evolutionary stages spanning back millions of years.

This includes appearances from sea creatures, dinosaurs, cavemen and a humorous sequence involving Moe de-evolving from a caveman into a rat. This gag is one of the best animated and showcases an interesting insight into the history of the planet, and the groundwork that led to the evolutionary status the human race is currently at.

Also, seeing classic Simpsons characters at different stages of the evolutionary process is particularly entertaining, as is seeing Homer's character develop rapidly throughout the sequence.

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