The Simpsons: 10 Best Sideshow Bob Episodes

7. The Great Louse Detective

Sideshow Bob - Die Bart Die
20th Century Fox

Of the latter day episodes that give a new twist on Sideshow Bob's relationship with the Simpsons family, this 2002 episode is probably the best as it ends up feeling interesting rather than contrived. For once, Bob is released from prison and proceeds to help the Simpsons. After someone repeatedly threatens Homer's life, Bob is brought in to help catch the criminal.

As such, Bob here has a great, rarely-seen dynamic with Homer, rather than Bart - although Bob and the boy also have a strange moment of bonding at the episode's end. The Great Louse Detective also turns into something of a an unlikely sequel to classic episode Homer's Enemy as it features the embittered son of Frank Grimes!

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