The Simpsons: 10 Best Sideshow Bob Episodes

4. Sideshow Bob Roberts

Sideshow Bob - Die Bart Die
20th Century Fox

Like some of the other episodes on this list, this sixth season story uses Bob to launch into a satire on something - here The Simpsons' barbed wit is aimed at American politics. When Bob wins the hearts of the townspeople, he becomes Springfield's new mayor! But being Bob, he uses his power for evil, including kicking the Simpsons out of their house.

As with everything in The Simpsons at this point, the parody is pitched perfectly and is also cleverly layered, with references to both JFK and Richard Nixon as well as digs at the Republican Party (whose headquarters is a gothic castle). Yet if politics isn't what you look for in your cartoon comedy then there are great moments from the Simpsons themselves, such as Homer completely forgetting the man who tried to kill his son. Oh, Sideshow Bob!

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