The Simpsons: 10 Golden Age Episodes That Foreshadowed Its Decline

7. All Singing, All Dancing

Lisa the Vegetarian The Simpsons

All Singing, All Dancing isn’t an awful episode on its own... actually scratch that. Yes it is. It’s an atrociously awful episode - easily worse than Lisa Goes Gaga.

But the point is, it wouldn’t be quite so terrible on its own. The fact that it’s the third clip show in four seasons though hints that writing was getting more and more rushed and creativity was becoming less valued. Throw a dart at any episode from the last 10 years or so and you’ll see the fruits of that folly. Another Simpsons Clip Show in Season 6 at least admitted what it was from the off, and as clip shows go it’s meh. M-e-h. Meh.

That was followed by The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular in Season 7, which gets a bit of a pass because the extra footage was amazing and it’s a great concept. For a clip show, at least. All Singing, All Dancing does not have a good concept. It collects clips of songs, sandwiched between a painfully unfunny Paint Your Wagon bit and Snake inexplicably singing during a home invasion. Worse than meh.

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