The Simpsons: 10 Golden Age Episodes That Foreshadowed Its Decline

3. The Cartridge Family

Lisa the Vegetarian The Simpsons

This episode has an out of character plot, tries to tackle a social issue without doing anything, and has a weirdly disjointed ending. It definitely beckons in the decline, even if parts of it are up to the golden standard themselves.

The Cartridge Family sees Homer buying a gun, then lying about getting rid of it. Twice. The impulsiveness certainly fits with Homer, but the double lying about something so important to Marge does not. This is the same man who Lisa can guilt into getting rid of his illegal cable TV. But post Golden era, it’s also the same man who’ll frame Marge for DUI.

The Simpsons tends to lean left with its politics if the topic ever comes up, but guns are a contentious issue in the States. The NRA is surely an easy target for gags (puns!), but they need to be sensible here to be the foil for Homer’s stupidity. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s the first sign of them missing dingers. Season 28’s The Caper Chase completely fumbles whatever it’s saying about for-profit education and the easily offended too.

At the end, Marge keeps the gun. For no reason and with no follow through. Yawn.

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