The Simpsons: 10 Important Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

7. Barney Has A Mystery Relative We Never See Again

The Simpsons Milhouse Parents Van Houtens

The earliest episodes of The Simpsons include a lot of experiments and throwaway moments that ultimately weren't crystallised in the show's canon moving forward, with one involving the presence of a small child in Barney Gumble's life.

Early on in the second season episode "Principal Charming," keep a close eye on the line at the DMV and you can see Barney standing in line with a young boy on his shoulders, whose hands are covering Barney's face.

This boy has never been seen in the show since, leaving eagle-eyed fans to speculate on whether Barney has a secret son who he later abandoned per his drinking problems.

It's of course entirely possible this is the child of a relative or friend, but given that there's never been a mention of Barney having siblings and he isn't exactly overflowing with friends who would willingly leave a kid with him, it could very well be his own son.

Though season four's "Selma's Choice" revealed Barney to have fathered countless children through his regular donations to the local sperm bank, this seconds-long glimpse at a child implies Barney may have had - and, sadly, abandoned - his own child in the past.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.