The Simpsons: 10 Moments More Important Than You Realised
These seemingly small Simpsons moments had far-reaching consequences...

On 17 December 1989, very few people would've dared predict that the show that had just premiered with a holiday special would still be around over 30 years later.
The Simpsons has outlived presidents, monarchs, religious leaders, and even entire countries, making us laugh the entire time (well, mostly).
And while the show is most famous for the big jokes and in-your-face humour it throws at viewers at a rapid pace, there are also subtler moments in The Simpsons that are far more important than they first appear.
However, finding moments like this isn't always easy with this show. The Simpsons loves nothing more than returning to the status quo after the credits have rolled, making it very difficult for moments to carry over from one episode to the next - but that doesn't mean it never happens.
Sometimes, one-off jokes end up becoming recurring gags. Sometimes, small character moments end up coming back in a big way. And sometimes, the plot points of a single episode can change the course of the entire series, as several of these moments demonstrate...
10. Homer Becomes Safety Inspector

In the Season 1 episode Homer's Odyssey, Homer loses his job at the Springfield Power Plant after causing an accident at work.
After his dismissal, Homer falls into a deep depression and even contemplates suicide. However, after seeing his family nearly get run over, he finds a new purpose in life and becomes an advocate for safety in the town. This results in Homer being rehired by Mr. Burns as the power plant's safety inspector.
At the time, who'd have thought that Homer would still be working in that same job over three decades later?
Homer's job title has come up a few times across the show's history, and has played its part in the plots of some episodes. It has become a key part of his character, and it all stems from one episode in the show's very first season.
Considering that pretty much everything resets in Springfield after an episode ends, it's remarkable that Homer's profession has remained consistent over the years.