The Simpsons: 10 Potential Ways It Could End

4. The Entire Last Episode Is One Long Couch Gag

The Simpsons Couch Gag

The Ending:

The concept of the final episode being one 22-minute couch gag has been floated around continuously over the years, though arguably the best suggestion to date has come from Reddit user kungfukats69. In his idea, the finale sees Krusty announcing that Itchy and Scratchy is coming to an end, and a contest is run in Springfield to see who writes the last episode. The Simpsons all apply, and though Krusty loves one idea, he accidentally puts all of The Simpsons' suggestions in the results box.

The rest of the episode shows each of the family members explaining their idea of the final episode to someone, interlinking with what they're doing in the opening credits: for instance, Bart explains it to Milhouse and gets caught by Mrs. Krabappel, who gives him detention. The show ends with each character performing the same action as they do in the credits, meeting up on the sofa to watch the Itchy and Scratchy finale as the episode and the show ends forever.

Why They Could Use It:

Because it's a clever way to brings things back full circle, referencing the most iconic sequence in the show's history in a clever and affecting manner.

Why They Might Not:

Namely because somebody else came up with it. There are countless issues as a result, and the writers might be accused of laziness if they just follow the script of some Redditor, no matter how smart and apt it would be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.