The Simpsons: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Season 2

2. "Bart Gets An F" Gets An A

The Simpsons Prom

It's hard to fathom just how popular Bart Simpson was in 1990.

He was everywhere - like everywhere - as kids across America paid money hand over fist for anything with the spikey-haired troublemaker on it, official or otherwise.

That might explain why the premiere episode of The Simpsons' second season is all about Bart.

"Bart Gets An F" sees Bart do battle with his own attention span as he desperately tries to up his grades to avoid repeating a year of school.

Bart wasn't the only one trying to avoid a low score; Fox had moved The Simpsons to 8pm in an effort to counter the popularity of NBC's The Cosby Show.

Newspapers and magazines across America publicised "Bill vs Bart" as the pop culture battle of the year and it did not disappoint.

The battle came right down to the wire, but it was the fourth grader who won the day, pulling in an audience of 33.6 million viewers.

Not only was this episode the most-watched show on TV that week, it remains the most watched episode in the show's history.

Bart Simpson had taken his place as a cultural icon and The Simpsons had taken its place as one of the biggest TV shows of all time.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.