The Simpsons: 15 Modern Episodes You Need To Watch

10. Brick Like Me (Season 25, Episode 20)

Simpsons 8

"I'm a clown, I can't afford to look ridiculous" - Krusty the Clown

What could have so easily been just another shameless crossover episode featuring LEGO actually turned out be one of the strongest episodes of The Simpsons in a long time. Many who saw the ads for 'Brick Like Me' probably thought that the concept was a cynical marketing ploy and wrote it off as another example of the show's deterioration but, in reality, the episode was very funny and full of classic Simpsons charm and heart.

Besides having some of the best sight gags in the show's history, the story driving the episode is a solid one as Homer tries to figure out the mystery of why he's transformed into a LEGO figure. With its theme of fatherhood coupled with a self awareness that the show too rarely displays nowadays, this ranks up there with the show's best.

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Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...