The Simpsons: 15 Most Hilarious Ralph Wiggum Moments

3. Ralph Wiggum For President The Episode: Season 19, Episode 10 (E Pluribus Wiggum) The Gag: The episode revolves around the presidential primary taking place in Springfield, and how Ralph ends up becoming the popular candidate who both the Democratic and Republican parties wish to side with them. The episode ends with a hilarious campaign commercial for Ralph "paid for by the Republican and Democratic parties" (accompanied by a picture of an elephant making out with a donkey). The minute-long sequence is a thorough mockery of over-earnest campaign ads, declaring, "'Compassionate', 'tough', 'curious'. These are all words Ralph Wiggum doesn't know. But he doesn't need to know them: he lives them every day." Among the talking heads singing Ralph's praises is ex-President Bill Clinton, who says, "I'm voting for Ralph, but don't tell you-know-who" (referring to his wife Hilary). Ralph ends his ad by sitting on the Lincoln Memorial and saying, "I'm Ralph Wiggum and I've been a good boy!", before unceremoniously shoving his finger up his nose.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.