The Simpsons: 20 Best Itchy And Scratchy Moments

9. Reservoir Cats

Itchy Scratchy Gif
20th Century Fox

From: Simpsonscalifragilisticexpiala(D'oh)cious

One of the few things more famous for being gloriously violent than Itchy and Scratchy are the films of Quentin Tarantino. It was fitting then that one of the most memorable Itchy & Scratchies is a Tarantino parody.

A spoof of Reservoir Dogs (well, obviously), Itchy is dancing to Stuck in the Middle With You before cutting a tied-up Scratchy's ear off. The next moment Tarantino himself comes on to comment on the nature of violence ("What I'm trying to say in this cartoon is that violence is everywhere in our society; you know, it's like even in breakfast cereals, man...") but is decapitated by Itchy who proceeds to boogie with Scratchy,  a la John Travolta and Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction.


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