The Simpsons: Every Golden Age Season Ranked

6. Season 3

The Simpsons

Best offerings: "Homer at the Bat", "Flaming Moes", "Stark Raving Dad".

Unfortunately, it's not quite here just yet either, but once again it's a vast improvement from the season that came before it. Honestly, it's a shame this entire article couldn't be a university thesis, because in this season alone there's so much to talk about, so much so that it feels like an injustice leaving out a single detail.

To start off, the celebrity cameos this time around are an instant highlight associated with the season, the inclusion of Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, and a collection of nine baseball stars for "Homer at the Bat". What supersedes that in importance is the fact that every character - family or not - now has a personality that reflects their stereotype, rather than simply subjugating them to one and it seems like the writers really played to their strengths for the first time.

Speaking of characters being defined, season 3 can also be credited with defining a long-standing feud in the series which is still operating today. By bringing the unhinged Sideshow Bob back - thus Kelsey Grammer too - the writers could set up a sporadic counterpart to Bart. He's not the only character brought back either, as it'd be the second and last appearance by Homer's estranged brother Herb, which likely due to Danny DeVito's busy schedule is the reason we'll never see him again.

Perhaps just like the quality of these upcoming seasons.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: