The Simpsons: Every Season 1 Episode Ranked

12. Call Of The Simpsons

The Simpsons Season 1

All Season 1 episodes seemingly fall into two categories - they either take on a hard-hitting issue and represent it through one of the Simpson family matters or they play out as a ridiculous Saturday morning cartoon. Call of the Simpsons is strongly the latter with the prime plotline being that Homer is mistaken for bigfoot.

As we all know, the series has been notorious for its wacky, off-the-wall adventures but it’s often reigned in with some good old-fashioned heart and humour to help the family come across more grounded and realistic.

Everything about Call of The Simpsons is just too far-fetched to really suspend your disbelief. The Simpsons vacation doesn’t flow as a narrative, it’s more like a bunch of creative ideas of things that could happen to you in a vacation gone wrong all meshed to one.

It’s all good fun and the setting of the wild does provide for some brilliant visual humour – Homer being attacked by wildlife, for example. But it’s so rife with plot holes that they become too distracting to enjoy how the episodes pans out. How did Homer and Bart survive the plummet down the water fall? Better yet, how did they go the whole cold evening without clothes?

Why was Maggie not instantly eaten by the bears as nature would indicate that’s what realistically should have happened? Moreover, why did sensible mother Marge seriously let her go claiming she’d be in 'good hands' with Bart and Homer? Why was Homer SO easily mistaken for Bigfoot? How did alleged scientists not realise immediately that Bigfoot was just a human being much sooner?

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid