The Simpsons: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best
9. Season 2

The year was 1990, and though The Simpsons had got off to a near-perfect start with its debut, it wasn't until season 2 that the show really doubled down and began to find itself. It's still quite refrained and simple when compared to later seasons, but it was here that the show's potential really started to get realised.
Key episodes find Homer discovering a miracle hair growth formula, the introduction of Danny DeVito's iconic Herb Powell, and Lisa forms a bond with her new substitute teacher.
Alongside these timeless classics, season 2 also features the first Treehouse of Horror, in which Homer is terrorised by a raven and the family find themselves in a parody of the Amityville Horror. Also, we get the first glimpse of the brilliant Dr Nick, which needless to say is simply brilliant.