The Simpsons: The Impossible Chief Wiggum Quiz

Can you remember where Chief Wiggum gets his underwear from?

Cheif Wiggum

Voice actor Hank Azaria claimed that he was basically doing a “bad impression” of legendary actor Edward G. Robinson for his role as Chief of the Springfield Police Department Chief Clancy Wiggum in The Simpsons. But his depiction of the character became much more than that and Wiggum's now probably the most famous animated television police character in history.

Throughout the hundreds of episodes of The Simpsons he's been in we’ve seen Chief Wiggum as the often lazy, overly ignorant and foolhardy police officer that he is but his heart was always in the right place. His intentions are true and although Wiggum has known to take a bribe from time to time, he’s probably one of the more honest characters with authority in all of Springfield.

But how much do you remember about all things Chief Wiggum?

Can you remember where Chief Wiggum gets his underwear from or what the name of the Hockey Team he coaches outside of his police job is or which Springfield character Chief Wiggum holds a grudge against for the annual Chili Cook-Off.

Take our quiz below and remember you can find all the answers at the very end.

1. What Is Chief Wiggum’s First Name?


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.