The Simpsons: The Impossible Ned Flanders Quiz
How much do you know about the Howdily-doodily, neighborino!

It’s impossible not to love Ned Flanders from The Simpsons. Well, except if your name is Homer Simpson.
The love-hate relationship shared between Homer Simpson and his rather religious neighbour Ned Flanders is the highlight of many episodes of The Simpsons. They may disagree on many things but at the end of the day, like any good “Howdily-doodily, neighborino!”, they’d be there for each otherr through thick and thin.
This is perhaps most well documented by Flanders legally owning the Simpson’s family home but renting it to them at a really low rate, a sacrifice he makes for the good of others.
We all wish we could be a bit more like Nedward Flanders Jr. but how much do we really know about the most religious man in Springfield?
Can you remember the names of his (many) ex-wives? Or what about which Ben Stiller movie he might be the only character in Springfield that hasn't seen it? Or what board game item he calls wicked!
Take our quiz below to find out and remember you can check your answers at the very end.