The Snarkiest True Blood Season 6 Recap - Episode 1

44 Jessica sleeps in a bed above ground now. Bill comes in with a glass of warm fake blood. Recapper: PLEASE do not do the maker-progeny sex thing. I know you€™re the only pair on the show every who haven€™t done the maker-progeny sex thing, but please, please, don€™t do the maker-progeny sex thing. 45 Bill uses his God-powers to protect the carpet, apologizes for almost tearing Jessica to pieces with his brain, and says that he really doesn€™t get his new powers. Then launches into an extended anecdote about the Civil War and General Sherman, which I think is supposed to remind us that a) Bill is actually rather smart and thinks about things deeply and analytically b) Bill is really old and has an extended backstory c) that this is a show about the South and Southern things. 46 But really it just reminds us that Bill can be really super boring if you don€™t intervene quickly or have Eric in the room. 47 Snark aside, it is a pretty touching conversation between Bill and Jessica, reminding us why we like the characters so much and showing pretty clearly that Bill is still very Bill-like. Which is okay, because somehow a few years back Bill Compton became the best thing on the show, a fact that is still worth a moment to pause and marvel over.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at