The Sopranos: 10 Most Disturbing Episodes

2. Employee Of The Month

The Sopranos Jennifer Melfi Lorraine Bracco

If there’s such thing as an innocent character in The Sopranos, it’s Dr Jennifer Melfi. As Tony’s psychiatrist for the show’s whole run, she’s the only character who consistently makes a concerted effort to encourage the man to change his ways, even if she recognises the futility of the task and ultimately accepts that she may actually be having a negative influence.

Regardless of the victim, the rape scene in “Employee Of The Month” would be disturbing. It’s petrifyingly realistic, a swift, brutal attack taking place in the abandoned parking lot of Melfi’s office. Melfi emerges bruised, shaken, and completely distraught.

The real horror comes in the aftermath, as we follow Melfi’s attempts to process and move on from the event. The rapist is captured, but law enforcement bungling means he’s swiftly released. Melfi knows that she holds an ace - a man she knows who’d gladly tear the attacker apart were she to say the word.

She doesn’t, though. The episode toys with her considering letting Tony loose on her assailant, but deciding against it. “Employee Of The Month” sees Melfi experience as traumatic an event as anyone could imagine, but retaining her inherent goodness in the end.

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The Sopranos
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)