The Vampire Diaries Quiz: Complete The Episode Title

Everything changes tomorrow...

The Vampire Diaries Bonnie
The CW

What do gift do most book enthusiasts admire the most? Adaptations of their favourite story of course! And although in most cases it becomes a huge disappointment for many, it doesn't reduce the zeal of fans seeking their adored heroes come to life.

The series of books by American writer Lisa Jane Smith - The Vampire Diaries - became one of the most popular teen dramas ever. Yes, there were myriads of absorbing things in the series: the original vampires, werewolves, witches, and other evil spirits. Charismatic actors, a classic love triangle, and unexpected twists brought this amazing story to life.

The main character, portrayed perfectly by Nina Dobrev, was the beautiful Elena Gilbert. She unexpectedly falls in love with two brothers, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, and everything seems fine until she realises that they are vampires! She cannot decide which of the brothers is dearer to her: a bad guy or a kind one.

The entire series of The Vampire Diaries has been re-watched by fans time and time again, making it easy for them to pick out the best episodes. But the question we have for you today is just how well do you remember those episode titles? Can you correctly complete the following fifteen titles? Let's find out!

1. The Night Of The ____


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