The Vampire Diaries Quiz: Which Of Damon's Love Interests Said It?

Can you ace this Vampire Diaries romance based quiz ?

The Vampire Diaries Damon And Elena
The CW

Over the course of eight seasons, each of The Vampire Diaries characters has had their share of relationships. As a result, dozens of pairs appeared. However, not all relationships in The Vampire Diaries were equally successful. In addition, the consequences of some relationships were reflected after years, even if the couples themselves lasted only a few weeks.

During the TV show, the main characters deal with drama in their lives revolving around romance, love, friendships, relationships, and more. One of them, Damon Salvatore, had many love affairs before he finally got the girl of his dreams, Elena Gilbert. He became attracted to other women, using his charm and good looks and sometimes coercion to seduce women for either personal gain or satisfaction, revenge or distraction.

Look at Damon. Due to his confidence and charisma, this vampire was surrounded by lots of girls, although not all of them can be immediately remembered, don’t they? Can you guess which one said each of the following 15 quotes? Try to ace this TVD quote quiz and prove that you really do deserve Damon Salvatore!

Answers at the end!

1. "You Manipulated Me, You Pushed Me Around, Abused Me, Erased My Memories, Fed On Me."


Aimee Klapisch hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.