The Vampire Diaries Quiz: Who Said It - Stefan Or Damon?

Which Salvatore brother said it?

The Vampire Diaries
The CW

When it comes to duos in television, Joey and Chandler, Holmes and Watson, Howard and Raj, Troy and Abed, JD and Turk may have captured millions of hearts over the years, but none quite had the same impact as the Salvatore brothers did. They do say, blood is thicker than water.

Stefan and Damon Salvatore were at the heart of The Vampire Diaries. These two iconic vampire brothers kept fans coming back for more each week. Considering they were brothers, they were complete opposites. Damon had a dark side, and would easily kill an innocent human. Stefan on the other hand was a kind, honourable and loving vampire. Yes, there is such a thing.

Damon and Stefan may not have been two peas in a pod, but some of their actions over the years would often blur the lines as to who was the good brother and who was the bad.

With that in mind, can you tell the Salvatore brothers apart by just their quotes alone? Not even Elena Gilbert could correctly identify who said the following quotes.

Answers at the end!

1. “We Choose Our Own Path. Our Values And Our Actions, They Define Who We Are.”


Laura Holmes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.