Life for Rick Grimes and his fellow survivors hasn't been all too easy since The Walking Dead kicked off back in 2010. Lives have been lost, hopes have been dashed time and again and danger continues to lurk around every single corner. Whether they're coping with the ever-present menace of the undead, struggling with mysterious, life-threatening illnesses or overcoming the harsh realities of day-to-day survival, the survivors have had to clear one hurdle after another just to keep hope alive for a better future. If the group has learned anything over the years between losing refuges like the farm and the prison or their experiences with places like Terminus, it's that the most dangerous threat of all is often mankind itself. From individuals, small groups and large communities, Rick's band of survivors has had to deal with a plethora of antagonists - both inside and outside of the group - who have threatened their safety and lives. In some cases, these antagonists have embraced their new lives of being free to do what they want, regardless of who gets hurt along the way. In others, they've simply become victims to the madness around them, unable or unwilling to cope in a way that isn't harmful to others. With the second half of the show's fifth season now in full swing and the survivors bound to keep crossing paths with other dangerous survivors, including a long-awaited, bat-wielding fan favourite from the comics, let's take a spoiler-filled look back at ten of the best antagonists the series has had to offer so far.
Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!