The Walking Dead: 10 Best Antagonists So Far

3. The Hunters

From the moment Terminus was mentioned, many viewers knew something was fishy. The sanctuary for all providing community for all seemed too good to be true and - big surprise - it proved to be a lie when Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl found themselves herded like cattle through the complex and into a train car at the end of the fourth season. The fifth season kicked off with the confirmation that the Termites were, in fact, cannibals, with several of the survivors nearly being added to the menu before Carol set the stage for an action movie. After slaughtering everyone they could and remaining intact, Rick's group reunited with Carol, Tyreese and Judith before moving on to their next adventure. Unfortunately, Tyreese had failed to kill a member he and Carol had subdued prior, Martin, who caught up with Terminus' leader, Gareth, along with a few other survivors of the destruction of their home. Becoming The Hunters, Gareth and his hungry band found out that Bob tasted even better than they thought he would, rattling the cages of the group, who lured The Hunters into a trap and brutally slaughtered them all inside Gabriel's church.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!