The Walking Dead: 10 Best Deaths In Season 6
1. The Andersons
The Episode: No Way Out
The cracks that had formed in the Anderson clan facade finally gave out in the midseason premiere, with Sam's innate fear of the undead, Ron's hatred for Rick and Carl, and Jessie's devotion to her ill-equipped and unstable children all coming together to wipe them all out in one fell swoop.
While the camouflaged group moved through the walker horde in the streets of Alexandria, Sam decided to have an emotional breakdown and was immediately set upon by alerted walkers, which caused a distraught Jessie to shut down and be torn into as well. Almost immediately, Ron finally drew a gun on Rick - who had just got done hacking Jessie's arm to save Carl - and got Michonne's katana through him as a reward, taking Carl's eye with him via a stray bullet and sending off the last of the Andersons in unforgettable fashion.