The Walking Dead: 10 Characters Who Were Given Undeservedly Awful Deaths

1. Noah

If this were a list of outright most brutal deaths in The Walking Dead, Noah would still be #1. It really is the most graphic, disgusting, chilling death imaginable, for both the audience, and for the victim. The set-piece of the revolving door is sensationally handled, with the whole situation coming into sharp focus very quickly after they try to exit both sides. Nicholas' cowardly actions sees poor Noah dragged away by the walkers. it could've ended there. He was dead the second they grabbed his foot, but no, the writers gave us more. Noah is flung back against the glass, unable to escape, and giving Glenn a view of the whole grisly event. It starts with gnawing and biting, and then the claws come out and Noah's face is literally torn off his skull. It's more than disturbing to watch, and it all happened to a character who was a genuine ray of hope for the group. He could've gone far, but instead, he was dealt the most raw hand of all.

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.