The Walking Dead: 10 Comic Spoilers We Already Know About Season 6

7. Secondary Character Deaths

Surprisingly, the stretch of comics this season is likely to cover is rather bloodless for our main characters. The main characters. Because as far as secondary characters go, things aren't looking too good.

For starters, there€™s the aforementioned Jessie, who unsurprisingly dies in the invasion after Rick chops her arm off and leaves her to be eaten, all the while clutching onto her son, Ron.

Packing much more of an impact is Morgan€™s death. After a season of searching for the group and following them, he seems destined to meet his doom. In the comics, he€™s bitten during the invasion and slowly succumbs to his wounds before the doctor can save him, and offering the potential for him to provide an emotional resonance to the attack.

Not to be outdone, Deanna will also likely meet her end during the invasion. She€™s an interesting character but it's the way she might go out that is certain to be worth knowing about...


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.