The Walking Dead: 10 Dumbest Character Decisions

1. All Of Lori's Decisions

If there is one character in The Walking Dead that is universally agreed to be the worst by nearly everyone it is Lori Grimes. So irritatingly irrational was she that everyone wanted her to die, to which the writers graciously obliged, killing her off even earlier than she was in the comic book. Her poor decisions are so numerous that it was impossible to just pick one or two, which is why all of them are lumped in the top spot. So where do we start? How about her being an all around bad parent? Throughout her entire run she would constantly bounce back and forth between being over protective and completely irresponsible, letting Carl wander off and then asking others where he is as if he was their responsibility. When she found out she was pregnant, instead of doing the right thing and telling Rick, she hid it from him until she couldn't anymore. And how can we forget when she managed to total a car while driving on a completely empty road? You'd have to be truly dense in the head to manage a feat like that. However, her worst decision was actually an indecision, namely her inability to firmly choose between Rick or Shane. One moment she tells Rick Shane is dangerous and needs to be dealt with, the next she gets close to Shane and apologizes for pushing him away. A bit of postmortem advice: don't give the obviously sociopathic man reason to continue pursuing you; someone is bound to get hurt, which is exactly what happens. While you can't blame her for Shane's actions, you most certainly can blame her for making the situation worse. It's mind-boggling how one person could make so many bad decisions, and yet there it is. Her stupidity nearly crippled the show, which is why it was no surprise that it improved once she departed. Can you think of any more dumb character decisions on The Walking Dead? Let us know in the comments!

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.