The Walking Dead: 10 Great Moments When The Show Ignored The Comic

5. Shane Sticks Around

Within the pages of Kirkman's comic, Shane was dispatched fairly early. Much earlier, in fact, than the television show. While his rivalry with Rick remained largely the same, the tv show expanded Shane's downfall over the course of season two. As the group tried to cling to the safety that Hershel's farm offered them, Shane slowly began to unravel right before our eyes. After hooking up with Lori in the wake of Rick's disappearance and presumed death, he had become almost like a stepfather to Carl. His belief in his new family was shattered when Rick returned. Shane spent most of season two in a constant state of paranoia and anger. Having felt betrayed, Shane concocted a devious plan to lure his former best friend out into the woods and see to his untimely death, in the episode "Better Angels". The bitter confrontation between these two, men who were like brothers, was perfectly executed by Andrew Lincoln (Rick) and Jon Bernthal (Shane). They gave startling performances, and capped the relationship between Rick and Shane in the best way possible. Keeping Shane around longer than anticipated created a chilling tension through all of season two. Despite the farm storyline being somewhat slow, the Rick and Shane drama was enough to at least keep the second season going strong. By ignoring the comic, and allowing Shane's downfall to become a focal point, it made their final encounter that much more powerful.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.