The Walking Dead: 10 Questions That Always Confused You

6. Why Did The Governor Want The Prison?

The Walking Dead

As fierce as The Governor (David Morrissey) undeniably was throughout his stint on the show, fans continue to be mystified as to why the authoritarian leader of Woodbury was so hell-bent on taking control of the prison.

After all, Woodbury is a considerably more inviting place to see out the undead invasion compared to a soulless, clinical prison. But to truly understand the Governor's motivations, you need to stop thinking like a rational person.

Because of course, who was the Governor if not a sociopathic, power-hungry madman whose actions frequently defied the logic of a grounded human being?

The notion that Rick and his group had control of the prison was an affront to the Governor's ego on a basic level, that somebody else completed a task that he was convinced couldn't be done.

And so, propelled forward by his own colossal ego, the Governor staged not one but two unsuccessful raids on the prison, resulting in his own death.

The phrase "hoist by his own petard" seems rather appropriate here - a man defeated by his own insatiable, senseless thirst for empire and control.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.