The Walking Dead: 10 Questions That Always Confused You

4. Who The Hell Is Mowing All The Lawns?

The Walking Dead

Silly as it might sound, it's one of The Walking Dead's most pervasive mysteries since its very first season - who the hell is out here mowing all of these lush lawns across Georgia?

Despite a full-blown undead holocaust taking place, somebody evidently found the time to hop on their lawnmower and keep things looking nice and tidy.

It's especially ridiculous given that the invasive plant species kudzu is prominent throughout Georgia, earning the nickname "the vine that ate the South."

Even in our not-apocalyptic reality, the vine is spreading faster than it can be maintained across the Southern United States, so how the hell has it not just overgrown everything in the world of The Walking Dead?

As hilarious as it is to consider a team of committed - or very, very bored - people keeping the city's kudzu at bay in the middle of the walker invasion, there isn't really any plausible in-universe explanation for this.

In terms of the show's logistics it's clearly an aesthetic thing, not to mention that covering the entirety of Atlanta in kudzu - whether practically or digitally - would be hugely expensive.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.