The Walking Dead: 10 Questions That Always Confused You

2. What Was Up With The Hermit?

The Walking Dead

Considering he only appeared in the show for all of two minutes, it's impressive that fans still keep asking questions about the unnamed hermit (Alex Van) unlucky enough to encounter Rick and company in the season three episode "When the Dead Come Knocking."

Rick, Daryl (Norman Reedus), Michonne, and Oscar (Vincent M. Ward) end up seeking shelter from the walkers in a cabin, where they encounter the hermit, who is understandably startled by their presence.

The hermit inadvertently attracts more walkers to the cabin, and when he goes to open the door, Michonne promptly runs him through with her sword, before Rick hurls his corpse outside for the walkers to feast on while they make their escape.

Again, the hermit was a most minor character, yet his tragic fate and the callous means through which he was dispatched have kept him in the minds of fans an entire decade on.

So, what exactly what his deal? His dialogue, namely threatening to call the cops, seems to imply that he's not even aware of the zombie apocalypse taking place, and he also appears far more concerned about the living, breathing humans in his house rather than the walkers surrounding it.

It's of course entirely possible that the man is either mentally ill or hopped up on drugs, but considering he was basically minding his own business until the "heroes" ruined his whole damn life, it's a shame we never got to learn more about him.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.