The Walking Dead: 10 Things Season 6 Has Got Horribly Wrong (So Far)

9. Red Herring Storylines

When Rick cut his hand on a blade clearly smeared in walker blood, comic book fans got excited as it looked as though a very early, major plot from the source material was finally set to take place. He was also pinned down inside an RV with a walker swarm on every side. This was Rick in a desperate situation and the episode ended on a real cliffhanger. Then the next time we saw Rick, he simply runs through the gates of Alexandria. There's no explanation, he simply survived. There were no references to how he escaped, and importantly, apart from a bandaged hand, there's no evidence that he was really badly hurt. The blade was through a walker's head, it surely had blood on it, and surely that blood would've transferred across to Rick. I don't even think I'm looking too deeply at that, but it's a hole that the writers filled by simply ignoring it happened. Oh yeah, and on the theme of dropped storylines, Rick finally kissed Jessie. Are we just leaving that to one side now?

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.