The Walking Dead: 10 Things That STILL Don’t Make Sense

6. How Did Rick Survive The Bridge Explosion?

The Walking Dead

There's a strong chance that Rick Grimes is immortal. He's been shot, stabbed, shot some more, beaten to a bloody pulp and tortured so many times it's hard to keep up, but surviving his final episode is definitely his craziest tale of survival.

After being impaled on a metal pipe and bleeding out to the point of collapse, Rick's farewell finds him face-to-face with an impenetrable walker horde he leads away from home, a confrontation that forces him to blow-up a bridge to destroy them and save his family and friends.

It's a brilliant send-off and should (even by The Walking Dead's logic) have killed him, but the episode's final scene reveals he's alive and well. Badly wounded, yes, but breathing, despite the enormity of the bridge explosion and the severity of his blood loss.

Everyone back home assumes he's dead, and honestly he should be. Even for this series, this level of injury was too much for one man to overcome.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.