The Walking Dead: 10 Worst Casting Mistakes
3. Cherie Dvorak – Donna
This article might be religiously roasting the redshirts, but The Walking Dead’s casting department really needs to up its game with them. Expendable as they may be it’s still imperative that the actor behind the redshirt can actually, you know, act. Take, for example, Season 3’s Donna played by Cherie Dvorak.
Fans of Robert Kirkman’s original comics will know that the TV version of Donna differs greatly from her comic counterpart. Her role is reduced from the mother of twins Ben and Billy (who sort of became Lizzie and Mika on the show) to that of tiny bit part killed off almost as quickly as she’s introduced.
Of course, that’s more a problem with writing but still – you have to work with what you’ve got right? And Dvorak quite frankly doesn’t. After her debut in Made to Suffer when Tyreese and other Woodbury defectors are on their way to the prison, she immediately gets her arm chomped on by a walker and proceeds to demonstrate her character’s pain by limping. An arm bite that causes acute limping? Okay.
She might just be a redshirt, but a basic sense of anatomy and a few acting skills to go along with it wouldn’t have gone amiss.