The Walking Dead: 10 Worst Things Negan Has Ever Done

7. Using Eugene To Make Bullets For The War

The Walking Dead Negan

This point isn't really just about Eugene, but the way in which Negan treats the people living in the Sanctuary. Whilst his inner circle are allowed anything their heart desire and Negan constantly tries to appear like a fair guy who "saves people", as a leader he is incredibly manipulative and cruel to those in his group.

During the All Out War storyline that dominated seasons seven and eight, Negan kidnaps Eugene, leans into his weaknesses, corrupts him, and turns him into a bullet maker - creating a slave force in the hopes of creating enough ammunition to take out Rick and the communities.

For someone who claims "people are a resource" and that he's saving people from the new, broken world, Negan really has trouble being the fair leader he says he is.

Eugene, always a bit of a coward who would do anything to survive, is living proof of Negan's powers in manipulation, proving without doubt that the man with the bat is nothing but a cruel and unworthy dictator.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.